The classes in s102.api can be accessed by just importing s102. They are automatically imported but can be brought in separately if desired.:

from s100py import s102
# or
from s100py.s102 import api
# or
from s100py import s102.api

s100py.s102.v2_2.api Module



Helper class that provides a standard way to create an ABC using inheritance.


Note: while a Vertical Datum can be created with the shorthand aliases, ex: MLWS, the string written and returned from the file/S100 object will be the official long name, e.g. "meanLowWaterSprings" etc.

BathymetryContainer(*args, **opts)

This is the BathymetryCoverage right off the root of the HDF5 which has possible attributes from S100 spec table 10c-10 This will hold child groups named BathymetryCoverage.NN


This is the "Values" Group.NNN object that contains the grid data in a values dataset and other metadata about the grids.

BathymetryCoverageDataset(*args, **opts)

BathymetryCoveragesList(*args, **opts) and Figure 4.4 and Table 10.1 of v2.0.0 This is the set of BathymetryCoverage.NN that act like a list here.


This will be the BathymetryCoverage.001 element in HDF5.

BathymetryGroupList(*args, **opts)

This is the list of Group.NNN that are held as a list.


S100 v5.0 8-6.2.8 Grid cell structure S-100 utilizes the same view of grid cell structure as Section 8.2.2 of ISO 19123.



S102 of v2.0.0

Enum(value[, names, module, qualname, type, ...])

Create a collection of name/value pairs.

FeatureAttributeDataset(*args, **opts)

This class comes from S102 -- 10.2.7 Feature information group.


The records that the integer matrix refer to and the actual attribute values for the quality of coverage.


Table 10.1 and sect 10.2.1 of v2.0.0 Add the QualityOfSurvey from S102 v2.2 section 10.2.2 and table 10.3

FeatureContainerDCF2(*args, **opts)

Container for Data Coding Format 2

FeatureContainerDCF9(*args, **opts)

Feature Oriented Regular Grid from S100 v5.0 Table 10c-12 Container for Data Coding Format 9


In S100, table 10c-8.

FeatureInformationDataset(*args, **opts)

This class comes from S100 -- 10c-9.5 Feature information group.


Data Coding Format 2 is the grid format from table 10c-12 in S100 spec.


GridCoordinate([recursively_create_children]) of S102 v2.0.0, references ISO 19123


S102 of v2.0.0, , references ISO 19123 While I would think that the envelope would describe the real world extents of the grid, in the docs it describes the envelope as specifying the row/column offsets for the lower left and upper right coordinates using the integer indices (S100 and ISO 19123 sec.


From S100 Table 10c-8 – Components of feature information group


Mixin class for Interpolation Type.

QualityCoverageDataset(*args, **opts)

This is for the Group_F information group.


This will be the QualityCoverage.001 element in HDF5.

QualityGroupList(*args, **opts)

This is the list of Group.NNN that are held as a list.

QualityOfSurveyContainer(*args, **opts)

This is the QualityOfSurvey right off the root of the HDF5 which has possible attributes from S100 spec table 10c-10 This will hold child groups named QualityOfSurvey.NN


This is the "Values" Group.NNN object that contains the grid data in a values dataset and other metadata about the grids.

QualityOfSurveysList(*args, **opts) and Figure 4.4 and Table 10.1 of v2.0.0 This is the set of QualityOfSurvey.NN that act like a list here.


S100File(*args, **kywrds)


From table 10c-6 in S100 v4.0 spec.


S102FeatureInformation(*args, **kwrds)

S102 specifc version of FeatureInformation.

S102FeatureInformationDataset(*args, **opts)

In S102, 10.2.1 and table 10.2 and Table 10.1 of v2.0.0

S102File(name, *args, **kywrds)

S102MetadataListBase(*args, **opts)


The root group contains a feature information group and N feature containers.

S1XXFile(name, *args, **kywrds)

hdf5 files have primary creation methods of create_dataset to insert array data attrs a dictionary-like to add/read metadata about the current group create_group to make a group containing datasets and/or metadata

S1xxCollection(*args, **opts)

This class represents arrays (noted in UML as , 1.., 0..* etc) which is not really part of HDF5.

S1xxDatasetBase(*args, **opts)

The S102 spec stores some things as datasets that could (or should) be stored as attributes.


This base class is intended for use with "values" groups.


This class implements a general hdf5 group object that has attributes, datasets or sub-groups.

SequenceRule([recursively_create_children]) (and .8) of v2.0.0 CV_SequenceRule specified in ISO 19123

VERTICAL_COORDINATE_BASE(value[, names, ...])

VERTICAL_CS(value[, names, module, ...])

VERTICAL_DATUM(value[, names, module, ...])

Note: while a Vertical Datum can be created with the shorthand aliases, ex: MLWS, the string written and returned from the file/S100 object will be the official long name, e.g. "meanLowWaterSprings" etc.

VERTICAL_DATUM_REFERENCE(value[, names, ...])


From Figure 8-21 in S100 v4.0.0