class s100py.s111.v1_2.api.DEPTH_TYPE_INDEX(value, names=None, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)

Bases: Enum

S111 v1.2 H.6.1 - The vertical location of the current in the water column is normally referenced to some vertical datum. In this Product Specification, the datum is selectable: it can be the sea surface, the sea bottom, or any of 30 standard tidal datums. The coordinate system axis is directed upward, so if the level of the current is below the datum, the depth will have a negative value. Levels referenced above the sea bottom will have a positive value. For a layer average, the thickness of the layer is specified as a positive value.

Inheritance diagram of DEPTH_TYPE_INDEX

Attributes Summary



Attributes Documentation

heightOrDepth = 1
layerAverage = 2